Highway of Ice, The

The final stretch of the Long Road, from Norigon to Polaris, is known as the Highway of Ice.

The Highway of Ice is more ice than highway.  In the last hundred years there has been no effort to maintain an actual road in the wastelands, though stone markers are placed to show the way.  Much of the year, the chill winds, violent snow storms and frightful darkness of the place make travel impossible.

The caravans that brave the Highway of Ice must deal not only with the extreme cold, but with ice bears and wolves who find that food shipments to the Dreaming City make for an easier meal than wandering game herds.


There are no Cirsovan settlements further north than Norigon.  Only Polaris lies deeper in the barrens.

Norigon serves only one purpose: it is a wonderful place for traders on the Long Road to turn back and go home.

Though many merchants choose to stay with their goods from Delivals to Norigon, few are willing to take the risk of completing the journey to Polaris.  Many merchants will sell their goods or trade for finished Polaran glasswork to local traders who are willing and properly equipped to brave the ice when the road is open.  Those willing to brave the perpetual cold and having the patience to wait for many months to sell goods may find great profit in Norigon.

Warehouses make up the majority of buildings in Norigon, housing the many goods bound for Polaris. Throughout the empire, warehouse space in Norigon is bought and traded as investment, with merchant rent being paid to the various shareholders.  Individuals who operate warehouses, whether they own them or not, are called ‘Lords’.  The Lords are responsible for all intermediary trading with merchants who do not wish to continue to Polaris. Additionally, a Lord may accompany the caravan to Polaris to negotiate on behalf of merchants.

Norigon’s isolation at the far reach of the empire has led to a distinctive culture that, while Cirsovan at its corer, is far more superstitious than any heartland community.  Part of this may be due to their exposure to Polaran culture, its own myths and mysteries.  Norigon is the only Cirsovan city in Gatlia where regular Shuul use may be found, though its said that its most renowned properties are felt far less strongly here than when consumed nearer its source.

Norigon has no agriculture, getting most of its food from Delivals, but hunting in the wastes is considered an admirable calling.  Norigonian hunters are known for their bravery and taciturn nature and are often hired by merchants (especially those who seek to bypass the ‘Lords’ and maximize their potential profits) to escort goods along the Highway of Ice. The careers of Norigonian hunters are notoriously short, with many dying in the barrens from exposure to the elements or being eaten by wolves and ice bears.

Because of the extreme cold, Norigonians wear heavy fur clothing at all times, typically made from elk, caribou or the fur of animals brought from the southern parts of the empire.  For instance, a very wealthy Norigonian may have leopard furs brought from Paelnor.  Hunters will often wear the furs of ice bears they have slain while protecting caravans.  In Norigon, ice bears are known for attacking shipments of food and stealing children who stray too far into the barrens.  Some Norigonians believe they are not bears at all, but descendants of northern wizards who turned themselves into bears to survive the cooling that destroyed the Northern Civilization.  The Norigonians often refer to them only as “the enemies of man.”

Because it has so few permanent residents, Norigon is not represented in the Gatlian council in Syflanis.