Huge Cirsova Announcements

We’ve been kind of saving things because we had a lot of things in the pipeline that all came together at once in the last week or so.

First Up – Michael Tierney’s The Gold Exigency

We’ve officially signed to put out the collected edition of Michael Tierney’s The Gold Exigency. This collected edition will be ready for the 40th Anniversary of Wild Stars. Bonus materials include additional illustrations by Michael himself, plus up to three bonus stories, potentially including Texas Goth, Michael’s collaboration with Abraham Strongjohn with art by Usanekorin. [Late 2024]

Next – Misha Burnett’s Dracoheim Confidential

The long-awaited sequel to Bad Dreams & Broken Hearts: The Case Files of Erik Rugar will be coming to Cirsova Publishing! Dracoheim Confidential includes both new and collected adventures of Erik Rugar as well as Magus Leonid Vetch. [2025]

Then – Ken Lizzi’s Cesar the Bravo

We’ve just signed a deal with Ken Lizzi to publish his collected adventures of Cesar the Bravo, including an all-new novel-length adventure! Cirsova readers will be getting an early taste later this year when we publish The Red Hat in our Winter Issue. [late 2025/early 2026]

More Stuff

Don’t forget, we’ve got a LOT of other things in the pipeline are already under contract:

  • Adrian Cole’s Dream Lords Omnibus – Later in 2024
  • Jim Breyfogle’s Mongoose & Meerkat Omnibus – Early spring 2025
  • Adrian Cole’s New Dream Lords – 2025

I also still really want to do another volume of Mighty Sons of Hercules, but I have to find time to squeeze it into the lineup.

JD Cowan’s Star Wanderers will be out soon. We’re still waiting on proofs and making a few minor corrections.

Illustrated Stark will be out soon, as well. I’ve already got a proof in, and we’ll just be sending things out directly from our printers.

Finally, the Summer issue drops 6/15, but we’re going to see how things go promoting it once the physical copies are available.

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