Lulu Burned Its Website to the Ground – Hold Off on Buying Cirsova Hardcovers

In an astoundingly bad decision, Lulu decided to migrate from their efficient, reliable workhorse site to an absolute dumpster fire over the weekend without warning anyone.

Thousands of authors and publishers were locked out of their accounts, myself included.

I’m able to get back in, but the back-end of the site is a disaster.

The migration seems to be piecemeal, and titles/projects don’t seem to have their files correctly associated at the moment, still, so I have no idea what would happen if you tried to order a book from them.

For all we know, you’ll end up with a blank book, and you’ll have had to pay full SRP because we don’t currently have a way to put the discounts back in place.

So please, until further notice, refrain from purchasing Cirsova Titles from Lulu.

If this means that Cirsova can no longer offer hardcovers, that’s sadly the breaks. We have the source files of all of our books, if things don’t work out with Lulu, getting them uploaded somewhere else is probably low priority–I don’t even know if Ingram will do dustjacketed hardcovers the way Lulu did, and they’re overpriced and trash anyway that we will only be using for print because we absolutely have to.

To those who don’t have Cirsova hardcovers, sorry, we don’t actually have any either. To those who do, you may have collectors items now.

Right now, Michael Tierney DOES have some copies of the Wild Stars omnibus; you might want to get those while you can.


Mongoose & Meerkat Art Arrives Safe & Sound + Comic Retailer Round-table w/Michael Tierney

The original illustrations by DarkFilly for Jim Breyfogle’s Mongoose and Meerkat arrived Saturday.

On one hand, sorry for the lousy focus–my tablet is a potato. On the other hand, for those of you who haven’t read the stories, this gives you an idea of the art style without too many spoilers.

We have three days to go for this Kickstarter, and you can still get your hands on one of these original pieces of artwork.

Also last week, Cirsova author, Wild Stars creator, and LCS owner Michael Tierney appeared on a round-table discussion with, among others, notable online comic shop personality Comic Perch and renowned comic-creator Mike Baron.

They discuss the impact of the comic industry shutdown plus DC’s efforts to do an end-run around Diamond to ensure that the comic shops are getting SOME product.

Michael’s central Arkansas stores have been weathering the storm as well as could be expected; he’s managed to stay open for an entire month with no new product, but as you might imagine, it has been lean times in Little Rock.

Now would be a fantastic time to pick up a Wild Stars from him, particularly since you can get the Wild Stars 35th Anniversary Omnibus cheaper from him than from us, due to some issues with Lulu’s platform migration.

As usual, Michael has a dozen irons in the fire, including his Beyond the Farthest Star web strip and several others we can’t talk about, but we hope to have some new Wild Stars news in the near future. In the meantime, it sounds like Troll Lord Games is gearing up to start printing the Wild Stars RPG–no release date yet, but we’re guessing “soon”.

Short Reviews – The Boy Who Cried Wolf359, by Kendall Foster Crossen

The Boy Who Cried Wolf359, by Kendall Foster Crossen, appeared in the February 1951 issue of Amazing Stories. It can be read here at

I feel like there’s a popular conception of what Amazing Stories is based largely on the showcase television series, and it aligns with some of the more light-hearted Twilight Zones, and I’ve seen it in some of the stories in Thrilling Wonder, as well. A young person is confronted with the alien or supernatural, and with typical childhood bravery, the youth stands against it when even the adults will not or cannot. [See also the classic Invaders From Mars.]

The Boy Who Cried Wolf359 is a typic, and entertaining, example of this genre of science fiction. A young boy is able to pick up the telepathic communications of an alien race of fire beings who plan on settling on earth after planetforming it by setting it on fire. Of course, no one believes the lad, so after failing to convince any of the adults around him of the peril, he matter-of-factly explains his plans and goes off to the forest to face down the aliens himself.

The adults think he is going to play make-believe; his fellow youth complained they played ‘battle the Martians’ last week; the boy sets forth armed with a capgun and a water-pistol and single-handedly drives off the fire aliens landing in the woods.

No classic of science fiction, this, but it wasn’t bad. While not as funny as Joe Carson’s Weapon, I thought it read a bit better [and was certainly less PoMo].

Don’t forget, we’ve got roughly a week left on the Mongoose and Meerkat kickstarter. Be sure to back today!


One Week Left on Mongoose and Meerkat!

We’ve got one week left on the Mongoose and Meerkat Kickstarter.

We hit our stretch goal to create OSR content, which will be included in the appendix of the Hardcover along with some early concept artwork from DarkFilly. Jim has reviewed and approved the bonus materials, so we’ll be doing the layout for the dust-jacket very soon.

Kat Inked Sketch

Test drawing of Kat scaling a wall

Also, I want to point out we still have 6 originals of the interior artwork available. We’d really like to be able to move these for a few reasons:

-DarkFilly did an amazing job; we agreed to a split on the art we sell, so the more of this we sell, the fatter a check we can send her for the work she’s done.

-If we sell all of the artwork, we’ll be in an excellent financial position to be able to start making offers on 2021 content.

-The artwork is really cool, and you can brag to your friends about owning a one-of-a-kind piece of Mongoose and Meerkat artwork.

MM-PG-19-20 v2

Brandy & Dye

…and Almost Finished with Game Content!

I spent a pretty good chunk of the evening working on bonus content for Mongoose & Meerkat!

The result is roughly 3,000 words of gaming content, including:

  • How to drop the Battlefield of Keres into your hexcrawl map
  • Suggestions on how to run a short adventure based on Brandy & Dye
  • Scenario for Sword of the Mongoose
  • Encounters in Terzol
  • Statblocks for monsters and encounters, ranging from the Hands of the Bursa and the Terzoli Remnants to Isak Yan and his undead to  Keres’s magical anomalies
  • Much much more!

I’ll be putting the finishing touches on it soon then will be running it by Jim Breyfogle for approval.

Once he gives it the OK, it will be added to the Appendix of the hardcover.

In fact, we’ll be adding all of the bonus material to the hardcover [except for the list of backer names, of course] this week, at which point the hardcover will be officially Almost DoneTM.

Once we have a page-count, we can do the layout for the hardcover’s dust-jacket.

No promises, but this could begin fulfilling by as early as June!

6 x 9 cover

Starting Work on Mongoose & Meerkat Game Content

Since we hit our stretch goal, I’ve begun some work on the RPG content for Jim Breyfogle’s Mongoose and Meerkat Volume one.

I’d done some highlighting and circling in my early galley, but over the weekend, I actually went back and made a list.

Most of the gameable content comes from Battlefield of Keres, so there will be a focus on how to drop it as a very large location on a hex-map, including some suggestions on how to handle encounters and magical anomalies. We’ll also include some suggestions on how to run Brandy & Dye as a scenario, and will have some content for Sword of the Mongoose and Valley of Terzol, mostly in the form of some stats and suggested adventure hooks. As much as we love The Burning Fish, it’s a fairly cozy story and there’s not much we can do in the way of “statting” it; it’s got a decent adventure hook, for sure, but if you’d like to run it, we think you could do it without our help.

On a different matter, DarkFilly is done with all of her artwork and is sending us the physical copies this week! We’re crossing our fingers that nothing happens to them in transit, but like we mention in the Risks & Challenges, we’re having the package insured, and it’s doubled-packed, so unless the USPS just loses an insured packed, we’re set to have the originals in the next little bit.

Short Reviews – That a World Might Live, by Burt B. Liston

That a World Might Live by Burt B. Liston appeared in the February 1951 Issue of Amazing Stories. It can be read here at

A mining operation to dig up super radioactives at the cost of the lives of its miners crosses tunnels with an advanced scout from the Atlantis of the Inner Earth.

You’ve got Manfred Drake, the scumbag mine owner who will throw the lives of his workers away to save pennies, Luke Hayward, who Drake roped into being the foreman of his operation before knowing he was stepping into a bloodbath, and Jim Murchison, Hayward’s chief machine operator. Together, this trio get dragged to the inner earth, which is in the midst of civil and religious war, which could spill over top-side with an atomic invasion.

They get the whole rundown from Marna, the legitimate queen of Atlantis who, along with her handmaidens, are going to be used as camp women when the topside invasion occurs, if something doesn’t happen soon.

What ensues is a pretty fun Flash Gordon-meets-Pellucidar adventure. It’s worth a read.

Half-Way Through the Mongoose & Meerkat Kickstarter!

6 x 9 coverWe’re half-way through our crowdfund period, and at this time, we’ve got $250 to reach our $3k stretch goal to create OSR content based on the first five Mongoose & Meerkat adventures.

We could knock this out with one art-tier backer! Back on Kickstarter today!

We appreciate all of the support we’ve been giving during this rough time. This is a huge project for us and for our creative team, who’s been amazing.

We’d love to sell some of these original pieces of Mongoose & Meerkat interior artwork, because the more of these we sell, the bigger a check we can write to our artist, DarkFilly, who has graciously offered us a split on these.

In case you missed it, we had an interview with her here at Bounding into Comics. Plus, we had an interview with Jim over at Black Gate.

If we sell all of the original art pieces and the opportunities to be written into the upcoming Mongoose & Meerkat stories, this project could easily reach over $5k, which would put Cirsova in a great position for 2021.

Back now!





Update on the Summer Special

All advertisements and corrections are in, and we’ve uploaded the files to the printer!

Hopefully all of the COVID crap doesn’t keep us from getting proofs in in a reasonable time.

We’ll have a pre-order link up soon.

In the meantime, please, if you’re able, support the Mongoose and Meerkat anthology on Kickstarter!  It’s going to be a big chunk of the funds we have available to buy content for 2021.

Short Reviews – The Pursuit of the Pankera, by R.A. Heinlein [Guest Post from J. Comer]

We’re really busy this week with the day job and with plugging the Mongoose & Meerkat crowdfund and weren’t able to get the next Amazing Story review in the queue. Also, trying to wrangle advertisements for the Summer Special, which are due today! Fortunately, friend of the magazine and sometimes contributor J. Comer is filling in this week with a short review of Heinlein’s The Pursuit of the Pankera.

Love him? Hate him? What’s impossible is to ignore Robert Heinlein(1907-1988).  Not only did Heinlein pioneer publication of SF/F stories in “the slicks”, such as The Saturday Evening Post, he originated multiple ideas now standard, such as the ‘generation ship lost in space’ (Universe  and Common Sense, collected as Orphans of the Sky). While his work varied from excellent (Citizen of the Galaxy, The Moon Is A Harsh Mistress) through badly dated or mediocre (“Gulf”, Podkayne of Mars) to disgusting(To Sail Beyond The Sunset[1]), his narrative authority never waned.

Heinlein’s work is grouped into four or five periods, the last of which began with his illnesses in 1970- peritonitis and a blocked carotid artery, among others.  During this difficult period he wrote two novels: I Will Fear No Evil, a plotless sexual novel[2], and an unpublished work which his wife Virginia dismissed as “yard goods”.  This second work has had more than one name[3] and after Heinlein’s death remained among his papers, archived at the University of California at Santa Cruz.  The present reviewer looked at the fragments of the novel in the 2000s.  They were reminiscent of the later The Number of the Beast, which came out in 1980.[4]  There the matter rested for some time.

In 2019, Phoenix Pick announced that they would publish a ‘new’ Heinlein novel consisting of these fragments. This novel, titled The Pursuit Of The Pankera, as well as a new edition of The Number Of The Beast, came out in March 2020.

The plot of Pankera is that of the published Number of the Beast through about p. 185. Two couples, Zeb and Deety and Hilda and Jake(Deety’s father), meet at a party at Hilda’s home. The two couples marry that night as an unknown foe attacks.  While in hiding, Jake installs his ‘time machine’ (which jumps between alternate universes) in Zeb’s flying car.  The four then flee Earth and visit many universes, some based on famous novels. (At this point the two novels’ plots diverge).  The two longest such visits are to Edgar Rice Burroughs’ Barsoom and to E.E. Smith’s Lensman series.  In Number of the Beast there is endless bickering among the four crew as to who will lead, and with a visit to a steam-era (“Space: 1889”) British colony on Mars; the plot of Number of the Beast then goes on to include Lazarus Long and his polyamorous family of immortals amidst many allusions to classic SF.

The plot of Pankera is more coherent. The four main characters leave Barsoom, as the two women are pregnant and need an obstetrician, and they visit the Land of Oz, where Glinda installs two bathrooms in the back of their car by magic.  The future space-opera world of the Lensman books has doctors, of course, but is at war with Boskone.  So the characters befriend the Lensman of Prime Base, and make plans to fight the Panki, the Barsoomian name for the dimension-hopping enemies who forced them off Earth.  Then they find a world (“Beulahland”) where there are doctors and there is enough nudism that the unhuman Panki cannot wear human disguises (as they do once on Barsoom and once on Earth). The end of the novel has the four main characters, the Lensmen, and others unite to wipe out the Panki with an ending reminiscent of The Puppet Masters, published in 1951.

So what can we make of these two novels, which ultimately are one novel?  First of all, the publisher’s claim that they’re an experiment by Heinlein has little foundation.  Heinlein would never have been able to publish two novels which were identical for more than two hundred pages[5]; as it stood, he did not get the advance he wanted for Number of the Beast, possibly because of its quality.  So what are these books, one of which has a coherent plot and appealing action, and one of which is rambling and full of sexual references?[6]

Larry Niven, friend and colleague of Robert Heinlein, offers an answer in his Scatterbrain (2003).  Niven remarks:

A writer’s best friend is his editor…many good writers don’t understand [this], and those included Robert Heinlein…the generation of writers ahead of mine came out of an era of censorship…Robert Heinlein was the first science fiction writer to become too powerful to be censored…Heinlein should not have used that power…his earlier novels were lean and dense with ideas… But his later novels sprawl all over the place. They needed an editor!

The fact of the matter is that Number of the Beast fell victim to the no-edit clause, and that I Will Fear No Evil is the same.  Niven’s critique here was written before Pankera was published, but still stands.  Pankera is simply the best fragments of Number of the Beast, worked over by a competent editor.  The fact that the Burroughs and Smith estates acquiesced to their characters appearing also helped Pankera to work as an homage to classic SF.

Is this worth reading? For Heinlein completists, it’s a don’t-miss.  For those who’ve read some of his work, these two books are optional.  If you’ve read no Heinlein, these are not the place to start.  Of the two, Pankera is the more coherent novel by far, thanks to Heinlein’s posthumous “best friend”. For aspiring writers these two works could serve as a sort of example of how much difference a competent editor can make.  All in all, we’re better for the experience.


[1] Reviewed here by Jo Walton.

[2] A review is here:

[3] Names recorded for this manuscript include Six-Six-Six and The Panki-Barsoom Number Of The Beast.

[4] A negative review is here:

[5] The Dictionary of the Khazars is a counterexample but is one book whose two texts differ by one word.

[6] David Potter’s interpretation of Number of the Beast is inconsistent with reading either the Heinlein papers or Pankera but is presented here for completeness.