Some [Non-Cirsova] Updates!

There are a lot of big things going on in our scene beyond just what we’re doing ourselves, and I think it’s worthwhile to highlight a few of those that are fairly close to us.

First off, J.D. Cowan has a new collection of pulp essays out. JD Cowan has over the years shown himself to be one of the most prominent, and perhaps most important, essayists of the new movement in pulp revival beginning in the mid 2010s. His is must read work.

Secondly, Rawle Nyanzi has a print version of The Perils of Sasha Reed available on Amazon now! I actually had a little bit to do with this, since I helped with formatting and layout. While I probably ought to use this as an opportunity to shill for my freelance services, I’m not going to have time, with everything we have going on! Anyway, check this out! Rawle’s stuff is always a lot of fun!

Finally, our buddy Yakov Merkin is about to drop his next set of Light Unto Another World light novels. He’s doing them up big this time and even has a fully animated promo! TBH, I’m more excited about this than any stuff dropping from Japan right now.

Okay, I said “Non-Cirsova Updates”, but I’ve got to mention that An Atlas of Bad Roads will be going live on Monday Morning!

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